Top Ten Best Characters in the Waterfire Saga

This is my favorite book series of all time. I strongly recommend for those who like to read. Feel free to message me if you're interested and would like to know more about this series.
The Top Ten
1 Becca Quickfin
2 Astrid Kolfinnsdottir

The one who does not yet believe, thus has no choice but to decieve

3 Serafina DiMerrovingia

Brave enough to keep hope alive

4 Neela

One who's heart, holds the light

5 Orfeo

The one who vowed to take Alma back even if it took him 1000 lifetimes.

6 Ava Corajoso

One possessed of a prophet's sight

7 Vallerio DiMerrovingia
8 Ling

One who sings all creatures songs

9 Marco Contorini

One of the only characters that is human.

10 Desiderio DiMerrovingia

Serafina's brother, Vallerio's nephew

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