A Guide to Creating Your Christmas Countdown List

PetSounds The 2015 Christmas Countdown is almost ready to take off. Twenty-four users are planning their lists. Soon, I'll be sending out schedule inquiries. But first, here is a guide with everything you need to know about creating your list.

Step 1: Come up with an original, Christmas-related list idea.

Please make sure your list is original and will be approved. The last thing we want is a merged list.

Step 2: Think of ten items.

Christmas Countdown lists must have ten items, unless your list is something incredibly specific, like Top Ten Lead Reindeer on Santa's Sleigh.

Step 3: Description

Be sure to mention the Christmas Countdown in your list description, including the number of your list. (December 1st is #1, December 2nd is #2, etc.)

Step 4: Tell me.

Once you have created your list, send me a message telling me the title. I'll be publishing blogs periodically with updates and links to the lists.

Only thirteen more days…


Thanks PetSounds! - Garythesnail

Will do. Brainstorming right now. - Alpha101

Hmmm - JaysTop10List