Top Ten Civil War Battles You Wish You Could've Fought In

The Top Ten
1 Battle of Antietam
2 Battle of Gettysburg
3 Battle of Chickamauga
4 Battle of Bull Run
5 Battle of Chancellorsville

You're crazy, why I would wanted to fight in these wars

6 Battle of Chattanooga
7 Battle of Selma
8 Battle of Fredericksburg
9 Battle of Shiloh
10 Advance on Moscow

I'm assuming this list applies to any civil war. In which case this 1919 battle between the Imperial Whites and Communist Reds is eligible.

The Contenders
11 Battle of Fort Fisher
12 Counteroffensive of Eastern Front
13 Counteroffensive of Southern Front
14 ‎Battle of Fort Donelson
15 Fort Sumter
16 Battle of Franklin
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