Top 10 Colors of Brinstar

The Top Ten
1 Forest Green
2 Red

The ominous, foreboding stone bricks from Super Metroid's Lower Brinstar, enough said

Best music. Awesome atmosphere. Personal favourite.

3 Light Blue

Foreground of Brinstar in Zero Mission and the original

4 Pink

Upper Brinstar's fungal-overgrowth area in Super Metroid

5 Purple

Surprisingly large mechanical section of Kraid's Lair in Zero Mission

6 Dark Blue

Brinstar item-room entrance hallways from the original game, and many parts of the background for Brinstar's Super incarnation as well

7 Yellowish Green

Varia Suit area of Brinstar in the original game

8 Gray
9 Murky Green
10 Orange

Foreground color for the eastern shafts of Brinstar in the original game

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