Top Ten Colors You Don't Want Your Meat to Be

I was just thinking of this really I mean there's just so many colors, but most aren't preferable for meat. Oh, and this is supposed to be natural neat nothing dyed.
The Top Ten
1 Green

This would be really disturbing to look at.

What kind of list is this, very disturbing...

What's wrong with green eggs and ham?

Green eggs and ham, anyone?

2 Blue

That's just not right

3 Black

I eat burnt BBQ meat sometimes. It's so delicious

Burnt meat just isn't very appealing.

4 Red

I had ham and an egg once and mom put red food coloring on it.

Well this is an indicator it's not cooked.

5 Purple

I already find it unappealing to start with, but on meat...

6 Pink

Now this could mean many things but if the meat is not naturally supposed to be cooked when pink than this is also pretty disturbing.

Bacon, ooh, yeah. Delicious. But beef? Pretty disgusting.

Salmon has pink in them! Dose that count?

Ever heard of medium-rare?

7 Orange

If I saw an orange steak all I would be thinking what the hell.

8 Yellow
9 Grey
10 White

Unless it's poultry or seafood

The Contenders
11 Neon Green
12 Periwinkle
13 Brown
14 Silver
15 Aquamarine
16 Puce
17 Dark Yellow

It looks like pee.

18 Dark Brown

I don't want my meat to be overcooked

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