Top Ten Common Mistakes People Make Everyday

What are the most silly mistakes people do? Find out.
The Top Ten
1 Mixing up their, they're, and there
2 Mixing up your and you're

A Big Pet Peeve For Some Reason

3 Losing something and find out they have been holding it the whole time

Yes this is so brilliant when you see someone do this and yes it happens to me as well!

4 Wasting time

I'm doing that now...

5 Buying something and never using it

I do that all the time!

6 Wasting money
7 Trying to push a door that says "pull" and vice versa
8 Walking into a room and forgetting why they are there
9 Falling for an updraft 
10 Misusing "unique" to mean "unusual" or "exceptional"

See most unique singing voices including the comments to see how common this is.

The Contenders
11 Forgetting your phone
12 Forgetting purse

My mum has done this once lol

13 Forgetting work boots

I did this this morning silly me lol

14 Losing money
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