10 Common Scary Nightmares

The Top Ten
1 Falling

Who hasn't experienced a bad dream like this?

2 Apocalypse

I've made up a story of my classmates turning into Plants vs Zombies zombies and I have to enlist the help of plants to kill them. It doesn't help to save you from bad dreams about this when you've already had a nightmare about classmate zombies, and another one about WEASEL HOARDER. I can't wait until the REAL flesh eating zombies break into the deepest, darkest parts of my mind.

3 Being Chased

I had that. Someone was chasing me and I was about to escape but for some reason I stopped moving and I was frozen. Then I had to watch her catch up to me. Slowly

4 Losing Your Teeth
5 Naked In Public

Don't sleep naked or you may have a dream like this.

6 Being Trapped

I had a dream that my whole house was cover in cobwebs and I was trapped in some of them and these black and yellow garden spiders the size of basketballs came after me.

7 Being Lost
8 Dying
9 Best Friend Turning On You
10 Taking a Test
The Contenders
11 That you are back together with your ex

I have seen all the timelines between me & all of my ride or dies, each existence of each unique universe itself tells itself through my voice, my curiosity has taken me to pandora's boxes of rabbit holes that the knowledge I know is known by very few, my curiosity should be questioned by many both positively & negatively yet your opinion is your opinion & not of my own, no wonder very few know as much as I do because knowledge & knowing isn't for everyone individually & collectively.

12 Being Raped
13 Family abandons you

I had this as a dream and cried when I WOKE UP

14 Spider crawling in your face
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