Top 10 Cool Cat Saves the Kids Fan Theories

To honor the release of a new Cool Cat movie coming out this year, I made this
The Top Ten
1 Cool Cat molested Butch

Woah. In that case, the next cool cat movie should be called "Cool cat gets some serious help".

I saw the list title and there was no choice, this has already gone into my favourites.

2 Daddy Derek is Cool Cat's Stepfather

Why is Cool Cat a pet cat while Daddy Derek is a human? How is it possible for a human and a cat to have sex and breed a cat? His mom is his real mother and his biological father probably died.

3 Derek hates IHateEverything, YourMovieSucks and BobSheux because they remind him of his childhood bullies
4 Butch has a crush on Maria (he says she has pretty hair)
5 Butch has an abusive home life
6 Maria and Cool Cat are the bullies and bullied Butch before
7 Butch's family own the Bully's Diner

"Help! Everywhere I go, I'm being Bullied"!
The kid who keeps ending up where butch's family created

Butch's last name is The Bully and it's called Bully's Diner so it makes sense

8 Cool Cat and Mama Cat are extreme furry roleplay enthusiasts
9 Momma Cat and Cool Cat are biological siblings, and Daddy Derek is their adoptive father
10 Cool Cat is a serial child molester

"I'm Cool Cat, and I love all Kids"
Yeah, that quote explains all

Cool Cat is a rapist

The Contenders
11 Cool Cat is actually Shrek
12 Cool Cat committed some sin against Butch the Bully in the past, and that's why Butch hates him specifically
13 Cool Cat was inspired by Garfield
14 Butch the bully grows up to be Donald Trump
15 Cool Cat is a furry
16 Butch the Bully is one of the Rowdyruff Boys
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