Top Ten Coolest Extinct Species

What are the top ten coolest extinct species? Be sure to be specific about the species names.
The Top Ten
1 Haast Eagle
2 Megalodon The megalodon is an extinct species of shark which was about 59 feet (18 meters) long and hunted in the seas until about 1.5 million years ago. It was similar to today's great white shark-but three times longer and 20 times heavier. Megalodon had more than 250 huge, razor-sharp teeth and its mouth was so huge that it could easily swallow a person. The fossils of its teeth were once thought to be the tongues of dragons or similar beasts. Megalodon was in the same shark group as today's great white shark, mako shark, and porbeagle shark. All of these species of sharks are big, fast, fierce hunters-just like their prehistoric relative.
3 Gaint Moa
4 Tasmanian Tiger Officially known as the Thylacine, this carnivorous marsupial was native to Tasmania, Australia, and New Guinea before it was declared extinct in the 20th century. Resembling a large dog with some feline traits, it was known for its distinctive stripes across its back and tail.
5 Saber Tooth Tiger
6 Tyrannosaurus Rex Tyrannosaurus, meaning "tyrant lizard", from the Ancient Greek tyrannos, "tyrant", and sauros, "lizard" is a genus of coelurosaurian theropod dinosaur. It also had a tremendous bite force, the strongest of any Dinosaur and living terrestrial animal. Its bite force reached up to 12,800 pounds (roughly 5805 Kilograms).
7 Mammoth
8 Homo Habilis
9 Titanoboa
10 Javan Tiger
The Contenders
11 Bali Tiger
12 Caspian Tiger
13 Neanderthal
14 Utahraptor Utahraptor is a genus of theropod dinosaurs. It contains a single species, Utahraptor ostrommaysorum, which is the largest known member of the family Dromaeosauridae.
15 Nyctosaurus Nyctosaurus is a genus of pterodactyloid pterosaur, the remains of which have been found in the Niobrara Formation of the mid-western United States, which, during the late Cretaceous Period, was covered in an extensive shallow sea.
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