Coolest Hybrid Animals

The Top Ten
1 Liger

Male lions are not lazy so before people start acting like a know it all let me tell you some proper facts Male lions need to protect the pride from nomadic lions she has to fight everyday so that is why the lionesses do the hunting because he needs to rest and grow stronger for the night also I have seen male lions take down bull giraffes by themselves

Ligers are a hybrid of lions and tigers. Their stripes and mane looks really cool and fierce. Other hybrids include the Bengal cat or Tigons

A lion that actually works hard for its food. If it breeds a lot we could see the liger become the top predator in its respective areas

Ligers are easily the coolest and best hybrid animals out there.

2 Grizzly-Polar Bear

They are so scary and dangerous PLEASE VOTE NO

Have you ever seen one of these? They so deserve to be first.

I love poler bear

I love it

3 Coywolf

A coywolf is half coyote and wolf

4 Wholphin

What is an wholphin

5 Zebroids A zebroid is the offspring of any cross between a zebra and any other equine: essentially, a zebra hybrid.
6 Killer Bee
7 Coydog

The top ten is a listverse copycat

8 Savannah Cat

RKO out of nowhere!

9 Cama
10 Dzo

What are they

The Contenders
11 Sheep-Goat
12 Wolfdog
13 Leopon
14 Indoraptor
15 Blood Parrot Cichlid
16 Snake-spider hybrid
17 Tiguar
18 Jaglion
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