Top Ten Coolest Mass Effect Villains

The Top Ten
1 Praetorians (Mass Effect 2)
2 The Shadow Broker
3 Scions (Mass Effect 2)
4 Harbinger
5 Saren Arterius
6 Capital Ships In the "Mass Effect" video game series, capital ships are massive spacecraft used by various species, including the Citadel Council and Reapers. These ships play crucial roles in space battles, diplomacy, and exploration. Capital ships are equipped with powerful weaponry and advanced technology, serving as symbols of military might and strategic importance within the galactic universe.
7 Reaper-Human Larva
8 Cannibals
9 Brutes
10 The Illusive Man
The Contenders
11 Kai Leng
12 Harvesters (Indoctrinated)
13 Collector Troopers

Too damn scary!

14 Geth Primes (Mass Effect 2 & 3)

Why they at last place?

15 Banshees
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