Top Ten Coolest Mathematical Equations

Nerds and geeks alike, cast your votes on your favourite equations used in mathematics, science, economics; whatever you please.
The Top Ten
1 Schrödinger Equation [(-ħ/2m)Δ^2Ψ+VΨ=iħ(δΨ/δt)]

Oh my God! What the hell is all this?! Symbols and what not. This is 'cool?! ' I just don't get it. Explain, I demand!

My god I could sense everything into this very unique complex structured equation like oh my god I could sense that this equation as the infinitness of reality and the pure center structure of atoms like holy jedi god this is the most important and most extraordinary equation that has ever existed!

Love this equation. So much. Everything about it is brilliant!

2 Einstein's Mass-energy Equivalence Formula [E=mc^2]

Not only is it cool, but most people have heard of it! It's well known!

I like this, Einstein!

I have seen this so many times in my life, yet I still have no idea how to solve this

3 Maxwell's Equations [Δ.D=ρ, Δ.B=0, ΔxE=-δB/δt, ΔxH=J+δD/δt]
4 General Relativity Formula [Gμν=8πG(Tμν+ρΛgμν)]

There is more to General than Special!

5 Wave Equation [δ^2u/δt^2=c^2(δ^2u/δx^2)]
6 Law of Gravitation [F=G(m1m2/d^2)]
7 Euler's Formula [e^iπ=-1]

Most beautiful equation in maths
Has one one, one plus, one multiplication sign, one exponential sign!

This formula shows why pi is transcendental.

8 Fourier Transform [f(ζ)=ʃf(x)e^(-2πixζ)δx]
9 Newton's Second Law [F=ma]

The heart of dynamics

10 Bernoulli Equation [P1+½ρ(v1)^2+ρgh1=P2+½ρ(v2)^2+ρgh2]

One of the coolest one in fluid mechanics because of the symmetry in its look and use. It's one of the easiest to remember!

The Contenders
11 Planck's Law [E=hf]
12 Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle [ΔxΔp≥ћ/2]
13 Riemann Zeta Function [ζ(s)=Π((p^s)/((p^s)-1))]
14 L = (1/2)dv^2sCL
15 Escape Velocity Formula [ve=sqrt(2GM/r)]
16 Principle of Least Action [δS≥0]
17 Central Limit Theorem [lim_n->∞ P( √n(Sn - µ) ≤ z ) = Φ(z/σ)]

I think this is one of the most important equations in mathematics.

18 Fundamental Theorem of Calculus d/dx a-xʃf(t)dt = f(x)
19 Pythagorean Theorem
20 Schwartzchild Radius Formula [rs=2GM/c^2]

Adore this one as well. Awesome stuff!

21 Q = KAT(t2-t1)/L
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