Best Countries That No Longer Exist

The Top Ten
1 Bohemia

Bohemia was never a country

It was never a country

2 Moravia

I am part Moravian and I think that this nation should once more be self standing. Moravians have high living standards like other Europeans do and they have pious lives.

3 Czechoslovakia

The name is cool and is hard to spell!

Its now the Czech Republic.

4 Muscovy
5 Bavaria
6 Kurdistan
7 Holy Roman Empire

These people were the start of almost EVERYTHING. They invented indoor plumbing and so much more! We'd be in such a different world without the romans, and many languages come partly from Latin.

They conquered the Central World along with the Prussians and Russians.

The foundation of the modern world.

Vatican is all that remains.

8 Ottoman Empire

The biggest empire ever

They were an EMPIRE.

9 Prussia

I'm sorry but I had to say something from Hetalia. I know, I'm annoying.

The Space Marines will always win

Awesome country.

How is he only at #9?

10 Yugoslavia A now-defunct country in Southeastern and Central Europe, Yugoslavia was established in 1918 and dissolved in 1992. Composed of several ethnic groups, the country faced significant political and social challenges, culminating in its breakup into several independent states. The capital was Belgrade, and the official language was Serbo-Croatian.

Tito's probably rolling in his grave right now after the Yugoslav/Bosnian Wars

I wish Yugoslavia will wake up from death. One day...

It Was Good Until Tito's Death, Then Things Got Ugly

It was good until the end of 1991.

The Contenders
11 Soviet Union

Best country ever existed in Russia.
And yes, Russian Federation sucks. Later Russian Empire sucked too.

The USSR collapsed because they went"oh screw it" and died yeet

12 Tibet
13 Austria-Hungary

The Austro-Hungarian Empire was a massive empire consisting of Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Slovenia, Croatia, northern Serbia, northwestern Romania (Transylvania), southeastern Poland, and northeastern Italy (Tirol) in 1914. The inventor of genetic science was from Austria-Hungary. Nicola Tesla was from Austria-Hungary. Adolf Hitler was from Austria-Hungary (not that he's good or anything but we can all agree he had a huge impact on the world). Austria-Hungary had an awesome culture and it broke up into a zillion countries in 1918 due to all those ethnic groups clumped together. Just remember! The inventors of electric appliances and genetics come from this awesome nation! I hope it joins back together someday!

14 Roman Empire The Roman Empire was a post-Republican period of ancient Rome that lasted from 27 BC to 476 AD. It was characterized by an autocratic form of government and large territorial holdings in Europe, North Africa, and parts of Asia. The Roman legal system and Latin language have had a lasting impact on the Western world. At its height, the empire was one of the most powerful economic, cultural, and military forces in the world.

The Roman Empire had a huge impact. If it wasn't for Constantine, Christianity probably wouldn't have become such a huge part of European life. It's size helped spread cultures throughout Europe and Africa.

15 Biscay
16 German Empire

A bigger Germany is a Greater Germany

17 East Germany
18 Confederate States of America
19 Hawaii
20 Assyria
21 Etruscan League
22 Frisii
23 Hawaiian Kingdom
24 South Vietnam
25 Zaire
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