Top 10 Countries With the Highest Average IQ

IQ - Intelligence quotient. An intelligence quotient (IQ) is a score derived from one of several standardized tests designed to assess human intelligence.
The Top Ten
1 Hong Kong: 107 average IQ

Not a country but listed for examination

My iq is 122 not to brag

2 South Korea: 106 average IQ

There is something interesting: check out the Related List "Top Ten Countries With the Smallest Average Penis Length"!
Some countries from my list are in the Top 10 of that list - South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, China.

3 Japan: 105 average IQ
4 Taiwan: 104 average IQ
5 Singapore: 103 average IQ
6 Austria, Germany, Italy, Netherlands: 102 average IQ

@CastlevaniaFanboy128 - it's because you are special and not just an average German citizen.

7 Sweden, Switzerland: 101 average IQ
8 Belgium, China, New Zealand, United Kingdom: 100 average IQ
9 Hungary, Poland, Spain: 99 average IQ
10 Australia, Denmark, France, Mongolia, Norway, United States: 98 average IQ

Honorable Mentions:
#11. Canada, Czech Republic, Finland: 97 average IQ