Top Ten Craziest Ways to Open a Coconut

The Top Ten
1 Drop a bowling ball on the coconut
2 Throw the coconut at the wall

Well, I actually do it once in a while.

3 Stomp on the coconut
4 Kick the coconut very hard
5 Throw the coconut out the window

I'm just thinking of a cartoon scene where that coconut is bound to hit someone in the head!

6 Slam a surf board on the coconut
7 Throw the coconut then hit the coconut with a baseball bat

A new version of baseball!

8 Drop hard books on the coconut
9 Smash the coconut with a sledgehammer
10 Crack it between your thighs
The Contenders
11 Put a breaking spell on the coconut

I love Hogwarts and spells.

12 Slice it in half with a chainsaw
13 Crack it on your head
14 Stab it 500 times with a knife
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