Top Ten Creative Ideas for School Projects

If you have an open-ended project where you can choose what you want to do, consider these choices instead of making another boring google slides presentation.
The Top Ten
1 Make a video

The creative opportunities of making a video for a project are virtually limitless. It's fun and engaging to make, and fun to watch.

2 Write a song

If you are a musician, then maybe consider writing a song for your presentation. I enjoy making music, so I have a lot of fun doing these kinds of projects.

3 Make a Kahoot game

Nothing gets the class more exited and competitive than a game of Kahoot.

Yeah, until the bots come

4 Interview someone
5 Make a meme about the topic
6 Make a list on TheTopTens about the topic

I would like to see someone actually try to do this for school.

7 Make an animation

If you're an artistic type who can animate, this may be a fun idea.

8 Draw about the topic

If you're an artistic type who likes to draw or make comics, this may be a fun idea.

9 Make a podcast
10 Make a dance about the topic
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