Top Ten Best Creatures in Greek Mythology

The Top Ten
1 Pegasus
2 Medusa
3 Chimera
4 Unicorn
5 Cyclops
6 Aloadae
7 Cerberus
8 Centaur A centaur, or occasionally hippocentaur, is a mythological creature with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a horse.
9 Hydra
10 Phoenix A mythical bird from Greek mythology, the Phoenix is said to burst into flames upon death and be reborn from its ashes. Often associated with themes of rebirth and immortality, it is traditionally depicted as a large, colorful bird with a melodious song.
The Contenders
11 Talos
12 Griffin
13 Satyr
14 Scylla
15 Harpie
16 Sphinx
17 Ceryneian Hind
18 Minotaur
19 Typhon
20 Echidna
21 Mares of Diomedes
22 Nemean Lion
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