Top Ten Creepypastas That Should Be About TheTopTens

First of all, credit for this list also goes to gemcloben. He helped with the list and he was the one that proposed the idea of making this list in the first place! SO Y'ALL BETTER REMEMBER HE HELPED, TOO!

So this list is practically creepypastas which we replaced a word in their tittle with a username from TheTopTens! Hope you enjoy!
The Top Ten
1 Abandoned By Britgirl (Abandoned By Disney)

This would be more sad than scary :(

It would be embarrassing.

2 The Nature Of Funnyuser (The Nature Of Demons)
3 The City of Keysons (The City Of Organs)
4 Matrixguy's Sleep Experiment (Russian Sleep Experiment)
5 PositronWildhawk The Killer (Jeff The Killer)

I would've thought Forever_Smiling13 the killer, but both are equally distressing to think about...

6 The SuperHyperdude That Stalks The Fields (The Thing That Stalks The Fields)
7 kiteretsunu.jpeg (smile.jpeg)
8 Username turkeyasylum (Username 666)
9 keych1n Syndrome (Lavender Town Syndrome)

No joke, this is perfect for me... I wont pretend like this creepypasta didn't scar me, but with my Pokémon obsession? I CAN SCAR ALL OF YOU!

The Contenders
11 Eyeless Samanime (Eyeless Jack)
12 SevenLizards.exe (Sonic.exe)
13 The Puga Doll (The Tails Doll)

This one SUCKS! Why is it even on the list?

14 Pony to Insanity (Pony)
15 MaxBravo Suicide (Squidward Suicide)
16 SmileEthanmeinster (Smiledog)

Why would I be a dog?

17 FasterThanSonic Man (Slender Man)
18 TheMcKing1003 Sleep Experiment (Russian Sleep Experiment)
19 Laughing seminolesinger2003 (Laughing Jack)
20 AgentofZalgo (Zalgo)
21 oofoff! (Spleeno!)

Lol I need someone to make this

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