Top Ten Cutest Things About Dogs

The Top Ten
1 Their little faces

Shiba faces are adorable

That was not a typo.

I get that a lot.

2 They are very happy animals

My Labrador retriever is so happy and really loves us

Of course... Everything about them is great!

The get excited so easily.

3 They love you if you love them
4 You can tell when they are dreaming

How can you tell, when they are sleeping?

5 They are very soft and easy to cuddle with

I have a Labrador Retriever and is softly as a pillow

They look so cute!

6 They curl up when they sleep

My dog Chloe looks like a little bean when she curls up It's SO ADORABLE!

I think they think that they are little kittens.

7 They can actually smile

It may not be real smiling, but at least they always do it when they are happy.

8 They enjoy people
9 They love each other

My dogs are hard to imagine as the happy creatures they are when they go it solo.

Unlike some animals, dogs really enjoy each others company.

10 They are entertained very easily
The Contenders
11 They are intelligent

My dog understands faces and words and hand signals. She can navigate to several places too!

12 Their love
13 They whimper
14 They wag their tail
15 They play with you
16 They stick out their tongue
17 Whenever you're hurt they come and check on you.

Sometimes they don't.

18 Their cute sounds
19 They're emotional support dogs
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