Most Damaging Real Addictions

If an addiction is defined as compulsive behavior despite the negative consequences, what are the worst? There are lots of things people say they are addicted to but aren't. We all do things sometimes despite negative consequences, but we could stop if we choose, so there is no compulsitivity. Conversely, we may engage in a behavior compulsively, but there are no significant negative consequences (like creating Top Ten lists)...
The Top Ten
1 Drug addiction

Heroin addiction is what killed him. And it shows an alarming fact. The number of heroin users is increasing in U.S. every year! And it has spread to the rural areas too (thus not confined to cities only).

This killed Philip Seymour Hoffman two days ago. He'd been clean for 23 years and relapsed. Within eight months, he was dead.

2 Nicotine addiction

Killer of the user, as well as those around them...

3 Alcohol addiction

Not only a killer of the addict, but of everyone on the other side of the wheel...

This is the #1 killer

4 Food addiction
5 Sex/porn addiction

A deadly addiction that can ruin your life. Stop.

6 Gambling addiction
7 Compulsive spending
8 Work addiction
9 Internet addiction

This, my friends, is THE most dangerous addiction of all-time. And I have it.

According to an online survey, I'm severely internet addicted. Ah well...

Oh, crap. I'm basically dead.

10 Self-harm addiction
The Contenders
11 Gaming addiction
12 Sugar addiction

To be honest, I don't understand how some people can eat so much sugar.
I'm not a fan of sugar and always prefer it's quantity lower than the normal. Very sugary things makes me puke.

13 Masturbation addiction
14 Porn addiction
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