Most Dangerous Holidays

The Top Ten
1 Halloween

People can dress up like trick or treaters and carry a gun around and when you answer the door they say "trick or treat", pull out the gun, and shoot you.

You could get hit by cars and just going to strangers houses to get candy, that can be deadly

2 Black Friday

People turn to animals

3 New Years Day

People getting trampled in Times Square and Vegas and standing in the cold for 9+ hours. Also fights break out.

Yes, & then there is the high risk of people driving under the influence, due to drinking on New Year's Eve.

4 April Fools Day

Sometimes pranks can cross the line.

5 Valentines Day
6 Cinco de Mayo
7 Christmas

okay but your ears bleed by Christmas songs and your eyes go blind cause of Christmas lights

Come On Christmas is not dangerous

8 Independence Day

So many fireworks related injuries and deaths

I should of put this higher

9 Memorial Day
10 Thanksgiving Day
The Contenders
11 Labor Day
12 Guy Fawkes Night
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