Top Ten Dangerous Looking But Harmless Animals

What's the most terrifying but harmless creature you can think of?
The Top Ten
1 Blobfish The blobfish is a deep sea fish of the family Psychrolutidae. It inhabits the deep waters off the coasts of mainland Australia and Tasmania, as well as the waters of New Zealand.

Blobfish Bill is depressed because everyone is afraid of him even though he's actually harmless

These things look like something out of a science fiction movie!

But I don't care what they say. I'm in love with blobfish.. Pewdiepie - 2015

Bobby Blobfish will rule the world.

2 Praying Mantis The praying mantis is an insect known for its distinctive posture of holding its front legs in a manner that resembles a prayer. It belongs to the Mantidae family and is characterized by its elongated body, triangular head, and large compound eyes. Praying mantises are skilled predators, often waiting patiently for their prey to come within striking distance. They possess specialized front legs that are equipped with spines and sharp hooks to grasp and hold onto their prey securely. Praying mantises primarily feed on insects and occasionally small vertebrates. Their exceptional camouflage helps them blend into their surroundings, making them effective ambush predators.

Pretty creepy looking, but not dangerous.

3 Shark Sharks are a group of elasmobranch fish characterized by a cartilaginous skeleton, five to seven gill slits on the sides of the head, and pectoral fins that are not fused to the head. Modern sharks are classified within the clade Selachimorpha (or Selachii) and are the sister group to the rays. However, more.

Human also known as Homo Sapiens is certainly the most dangerous animal.

Human is exterminating 60 000 species (animal & vegetal) each year.

Human is killing more than 100 000 000 (One hundred millions) sharks by year.

Who said than Shark is the most dangerous?

They're dangerous and capable of killing, but don't kill humans that much.

They aren't harmless but I wouldn't consider them dangerous

And they aren't exactly harmless either.

4 Goliath Bird-Eating Spider The Goliath birdeater (Theraphosa blondi) belongs to the tarantula family Theraphosidae. Found in northern South America, it is the largest spider in the world by mass and size, but it is second to the giant huntsman spider by leg span.

I've held one before. They look like scary monsters but act like teddy bears.

That's what it wants you to believe but in reality it will kill you!

5 Bulldog

Bulldog's aren't dangerous.. They're really small and extremely popular

6 Tapir A tapir is a large, herbivorous mammal, similar in shape to a pig, with a short, prehensile nose trunk.

How is the shark, the lion, and human above the tapir? They are dangerous, while tapirs, despite their appearance, aren't very dangerous. This needs to be on top.

7 Snake Snakes are elongated, limbless, carnivorous reptiles of the suborder Serpentes. Like all other squamates, snakes are ectothermic, amniote vertebrates covered in overlapping scales. Many species of snakes have skulls with several more joints than their lizard ancestors, enabling them to swallow prey more.

Actually most snakes ( that aren't poisonous) are harmless unless you mess with them.

So many idiots on here, around 80% of snake species are harmless.

8 Human Humans (Homo sapiens) are the most abundant and widespread species of primate, characterized by bipedalism and large, complex brains. This has enabled the development of advanced tools, culture, and language. Humans are highly social and tend to live in complex social structures composed of many cooperating and competing groups, from families and kinship networks to political states. Social interactions between humans have established a wide variety of values, social norms, and rituals, which bolster human society. Curiosity and the human desire to understand and influence the environment and to explain and manipulate phenomena have motivated humanity's development of science, philosophy, mythology, more.

They are only the dominant species but scared of everything they can't comprehend so therefore even a worm is more dangerous than these cowardly lions.

9 Parasaurolophus Parasaurolophus is a genus of ornithopod dinosaur that lived in what is now North America during the Late Cretaceous Period, about 76.5–74.5 million years ago.

Really? Parasaurolophus has been extinct for millions of years, before humans even evolved.

Also, it doesn't look even that dangerous at all.

10 Caiman
The Contenders
11 Cicadas
12 Creatonotos Gangis

These moths look super frightening at first glance, but they are actually harmless.

13 Manta Ray Manta rays are large rays belonging to the genus Manta. The larger species, M. birostris, reaches 7 m in width while the smaller, M. alfredi, reaches 5.5 m. Both have triangular pectoral fins, horn-shaped cephalic fins and large, forward-facing mouths.
14 Aye-aye The aye-aye is a lemur, a strepsirrhine primate native to Madagascar that combines rodent-like teeth that perpetually grow and a special thin middle finger.
15 Lion The lion (Panthera leo) is a large cat of the genus Panthera native to Africa and India. It has a muscular, broad-chested body, short, rounded head, round ears, and a hairy tuft at the end of its tail. It is sexually dimorphic; adult male lions are larger than females and have a prominent mane. It is more.
16 Spider A venomous spider native to the central and southern United States, the Brown Recluse is known for its reclusive habits and preference for dark, undisturbed places. Its venom can cause necrotic skin lesions in humans, making it a species to be cautious of when encountered.

Too many people are afraid of spiders, when some, like the garden spider, are completely harmless.

17 Leech Leeches are segmented worms that belong to the phylum Annelida and comprise the subclass Hirudinea. Like the oligochaetes, such as earthworms, leeches share a clitellum and are hermaphrodites.

They make great pets.

18 Koala The koala is an arboreal herbivorous marsupial native to Australia. It is the only extant representative of the family Phascolarctidae and its closest living relatives are the wombats.

Seriously? They are one of the least threatening looking animals I can think of.

19 Proboscis Monkey The proboscis monkey or long-nosed monkey, known as the bekantan in Indonesia, is a reddish-brown arboreal Old World monkey with an unusually large nose. It is endemic to the southeast Asian island of Borneo.
20 Vulture
21 Tiger The tiger (Panthera tigris) is the largest living cat species and a member of the genus Panthera. It is most recognisable for its dark vertical stripes on orange fur with a white underside. An apex predator, it primarily preys on ungulates such as deer and wild boar. It is territorial and generally a solitary but social predator, requiring large contiguous areas of habitat, which support its requirements for prey and rearing of its offspring. Tiger cubs stay with their mother for about two years, then become independent and leave their mother's home range to establish their own. more.

These, like lions, snakes, and sharks, are actually very deadly animals.

They only are deadly when they want to be

22 Raccoon

They are the best and the cutest

23 Cassowary The cassowaries are ratites in the genus Casuarius and are native to the tropical forests of New Guinea, nearby islands, and northeastern Australia.
24 Kangaroo The kangaroo is a marsupial from the family Macropodidae. In common use the term is used to describe the largest species from this family, especially those of the genus Macropus: the red kangaroo, antilopine kangaroo, eastern grey kangaroo, and western grey kangaroo.
25 Star-Nosed Mole The star-nosed mole is a small mole found in wet low areas in the northern parts of North America. It is the only member of the tribe Condylurini and the genus Condylura.
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