Most Dangerous Things in the Universe

The Top Ten
1 Black Holes

Black holes will kill you instantly

2 Suns
3 Lava
4 Air In Space
5 The Planet Venus
6 War
7 The Planet Jupiter
8 Nukes
9 Cold Planets
10 Crashing Into Earth
The Contenders
11 Quantum Vacuum
12 Quasars
13 Neutron Stars
14 Kepler-1520 b

A planet literally evaporating into space. Would you want to live here?

15 HD 209458 b
16 HD 189733 b
17 Kepler-10b
18 Plutonium Plutonium is a radioactive actinide metallic element with the atomic number of 94. It has a symbol of Pu. It belongs to actinide family.
19 Gamma-Ray Bursts
20 Botulinum Toxin
21 Magnetar
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