Top Ten Dark Souls 2 Weapons

The Top Ten
1 Greatsword

Slightly overrated. Sure, it hits like a truck, but it's easy to dodge and weighs a ton.

2 Blacksteel Katana

Not the best katana here. The strong attack can close some distance, but it doesn't do as much as an Uchigatana.

3 Curved Dragon Greatsword

This weapon can be the essence of cheap in PvP. Its strong attack does serious damage and is a little hard to dodge.

4 Santier's Spear
5 Crypt Blacksword
6 Dragonslayer Spear

I just love using this thing. Its long reach can really keep an enemy at bay in PvP

7 Washing Pole
8 Ice Rapier
9 Fume Ultra Greatsword
10 Puzzled Stone Sword
The Contenders
11 Sun Sword
12 Bone Fist
13 Zweihander
14 Smelter Hammer
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