Top 10 Darkest and Creepiest Things in Nintendo Games

Even though Nintendo is a family friendly company, they also add some dark and down right creepy things in their games, some of which have spawned creepypastas.

Some of these may not be scary for your age but they would scare a little kid.
The Top Ten
1 Giygas - Earthbound

Even though its overrated, it is pretty dark to see as a little kid

2 "Who are you running from?" - Game Boy Camera
3 Mad Piano - Super Mario 64
4 Lavender Town Music - Pokemon Red and Green
5 Hell Valley Sky Trees - Super Mario Galaxy 2
6 The Moon - The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
7 Gyroid Face - Animal Crossing

The most disturbing thing about this is that Gyroids In real life they are clay figurines that the ancient Japanese would bury with their dead

8 Dead Hand - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Why do they put this in an E game
(At least they made it e+10 in the remake)

9 The Underwhere - Super Paper Mario
10 ReDeads - The Legend of Zelda
The Contenders
11 Hanging Luigi Glitch - Luigi's Mansion
12 Original Game Over Screen - Luigi’s Mansion
13 Waterwraith - Pikmin 2
14 The Shadow Queen - Paper Mario the Thousand Year Door
15 Arrival on Zebes - Super Metroid
16 The Dark World - Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
17 Its Backstory - Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
18 Unagi the Eel - Super Mario 64
19 Game Over - Super Mario 64
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