Top 10 Deep Green Gemstones

Green is the most calming color and green gems are pretty. Pale green gems are also pretty but as a rule, gems with more intense/deeper colors are more valued.
The Top Ten
1 Emerald

Gotta vote for my birthstone although that green diamond is incredible.

Emerald's hue of green is incredible

2 Green Diamond
3 Green Tourmaline
4 Trapiche Emerald
5 Musgravite

Its hues vary: olive green, grey green to green. A very rare gem with unique color. The gem is also very hard: 8-8.5/10

6 Maw sit sit / Jade-albite

It's technically a rock used as a gem (hardness rating from 6-7 /10 on the Mohs scale.)

7 Green Jadeite

Jadeite is the toughest gemstone - it's the most difficult to break, like, if you bump it against something, it wouldn't get fractures very easy.
But it isn't very hard, i.e. it's susceptible to scratching (only around 6.5-7/10 on the Mohs scale of hardness)

8 Peridot

This one is so pretty, it looks to me like moss on mountains. Beautiful.

Cleopatra's "emeralds" were most probably peridots and not emeralds

9 Green Garnet
10 Demantoid
The Contenders
11 Moldavite

Moldavite is technically a rock used as a gem. It was formed by a meteorite impact that occurred about 15 million years ago.
Color varies: forest green, olive green or blue greenish

12 Seraphinite
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