Top 10 Definitive Ways to Be Pretentious

The Top Ten
1 Unironically use the "Very High IQ" meme

I haven't done this... I think.

Especially regarding Rick & Morty (its originator) and Radiohead

2 Be middle-class but act as if you are upper-class

Surprisingly, I myself am actually one of the biggest examples of this

3 Say with a straight face and without any sarcasm that The Dark Knight "is the greatest theatrical film of all time"

Great film indeed but comically overhyped even by superhero movie standards;
honestly, it's not even really THAT much better than Infinity War and Endgame

4 Use extremely over-complicated wording that sounds like you just yanked it out of the nearest thesaurus (for example: the Architect's speech at the end of Matrix Reloaded) to describe otherwise simple/everyday things
5 Make movies where almost literally nothing happens, then act like those movies are interesting just because their visual styles are unique and/or you had an unusually low production budget
6 Be one of those insufferable morons all over the YouTube Music comment sections that go on and on about how music "was so much better back in their days"
7 Worship Stanley Kubrick as the god of film makers
8 Arrogantly boast about your personal preferences, especially media-related ones, and also openly mock the differing opinions of others while doing so
9 Talk about Courage The Cowardly Dog in the hilariously melodramatic way in which The Mysterious Mr. Enter talks about it in his Admirable Animation videos

To be fair, you need to have an exceptionally high IQ to understand the underlying intracacies of Courage The Cowardly Dog. The slapstick humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid understanding of horror-film satire, much of the show's true humor will go over a typical young child's head. There's also Courage's pusillanimous nature, which is deftly woven into his characterization - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Stephen King literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of the grotesquely bizarre and depressing adventures that Courage embarks on, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence, people who don't think that this is the greatest Cartoon Network show ever created truly ARE stupid Ed, Edd & Eddy fanboys- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humor in Courage's existential catchphrase "the THINGS I do for love", which ...more

10 Treat the Avengers film series (especially its Thanos arc) as if it deserves even half of its hype
The Contenders
11 Claim that Undertale has a great storyline just because it happens to have incredibly excellent character dialogue
12 Typing sentences with “aLtErNaTiNg CaPs” to mock certain groups of people

It makes the people typing like this more annoying than the people they are mocking.

13 Unironically claim that current Radiohead is still as good as what the band put out in OK Computer
14 Say Nintendo is "for kids only"
15 Comically overpraise mediocre films like Black Panther and Captain Marvel for having "diversity" and "minority representation" that have been done vastly better by countless other less popular films
16 Force people to agree with every single thing that you say

For bonus points, call people "alt-right" just because they DON'T agree with everything that you say

17 Be an extremely egotistical YouTuber
18 Be rich, spoiled and rude
19 Be a hypocrite
20 Brag about being a healthy eater
21 Use semicolons incorrectly
22 Be an obsessive video game company fanboy that bashes all of the other video game companies
23 Say that action movies are "for troglodytes"
24 Say that western animation is "anime for babies"

Well then, how do you explain Bojack Horseman or Spawn, hmm?

25 Ridiculously overpraise The Ren & Stimpy Show
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