Most Difficult Types of People to Carry Out an Interview With

We all have watched many interviews. What types of people you wouldn't want to interview?
The Top Ten
1 People who answer with 'yes' and 'no'

My dad says that I tend to be this type. Sadly, it's kind of true. But I guess that just means I have to practice whenever I'm getting ready for an interview. - ModernSpongeBobSucks

Or simply "don't know"

2 People who talk too much and you can't stop them to ask your next question

Switch this with #1.

3 People who change the subject and talk about things you are not interested in
4 People who interrupt you in the middle of your question

And as a result - they start answering a different question.

5 People who are too tight
6 People who talk too slow
7 People who talk too fast
8 Drunk people
9 People with bad and annoying habits
10 People who start asking you questions instead of answering your questions
The Contenders
11 People who are hypocritical
12 People who don't know what your asking
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