Most Disappointing Things About Avatar: The Last Airbender and Legend of Korra

Although those shows were decent, there were some disappointing things about them.
The Top Ten
1 Romance

The romance in these shows were just really sad. I mean, when (spoiler) Aang and Katara ended up together, I so did not see that coming. I mean, they barely had any romantic moments together.

To be honest all romance in cartoons are blushing and flirting

"Seems like I'm always chosen by Romantics that are Hopeless

Romance in Avatar doesn't work well.

2 Mako

The only thing that I didn't like about Mako is that the show was a little more focus on the teen drama romance than the actual story. In ALTA, it showed a bit of love in there, but it wasn't like the main forcus on the whole serious like TLOK. He was indecisive and jumping between those two relationships with Asami and Kora like a damn pin pong. I thought it was unnecessary and pointless since it ruined a little to the show. The rest of Mako seems cool, the protective brother, an awesome fire bender, and a really good cop even though he was a rookie.

Mako is the victim of bad writing. He was a good character in the 1st half of season 1 : A caring brother and a good friend. But everything about him started to go wrong when the romance part began. First he starts dating Asami, then he kisses Korra WHILE he was still in a relationship with another girl! (I know Korra kissed Mako first but he kissed her back.)

He goes even further and tells Korra "I like you but I like Asami, too. I'm so confused." Annoying cheat!

I'm glad that neither MakoxKorra nor MakoxAsami happened.

I liked him until he did nothing when Korra kissed him.

Yep, I hate this guy...

3 Asami x Mako x Korra love triangle

Okay. I like when there's romance, but this was wasted. Why spend so much time on Korra and Asami fighting over Mako if they end up together and Make alone?

They wasted a lot of time on this while the rest of the story was super intriguing, after season 1 they handled it way better though

I swear to God, this the worst love triangle since gwenxduncanxcourtney. And just like TD, LoK want to make it slow and painful instead of quick and brutal by prolonging it over series 1 and 2.

4 Lo and Li
5 Ozai

Way too one-dimensional for the main villain. Just the evil side. No character development.

He was taken down by a little kid, your argument is invalid

6 Jet
7 The way Amon was killed off

I just simply can't agree with this, the death of Amon and Tarrlock was so one of the most powerful scenes on the entire show in my opinion, I mean, the way he was killed not by brute force or the hero or that he wasn't just sent to jail after having a breakdown. The whole atmosphere of this scene is beautiful, and the tear at the end from Amon always gets me. In my opinion, this is an amazing scene.

Amon was such a cool villain. He was awesome,cool, a big badass and a caring brother. I really wanted Korra and him to have an awesome battle but NO,the writers killed him off in the lamest way possible. They did not even bother to give an exact explanation on how he takes away the bending power,permanently. This is bad writing.

I loved Amon! And his bother was the absolute worse

8 Commander Zhao

Main villain in ATLA season 1. One-dimensional,annoying with zero development. Good thing he disappeared from the show.

9 Mai

Have you ever noticed she was only created to be Zuko's love interest?! Plus,the only time she was useful was when she saved the gang in Boilng Rock. That's it.

She is actually very important she led to Azula's insanity if she didn't betray her neither would've Ty Lee

10 "The Great Divide" Episode

The last lines in this episode are very funny, but otherwise this is a complete waste of film

The Contenders
11 Zutara wasn't canon

from the beginning, the show creators never had this planned, it just wouldn't make much sense to the story, Aang and Katara had chemistry from when he first came out of the iceberg, and it took the third- to last episode of the series to have Katara forgive Zuko.

12 Unalaq

In the show's defense The Legend of Korra was originally supposed to be a 12 episode miniseries so it's not like Mike and Bryan were expecting a second season. Or third, or fourth. But I do agree with you on Ozai. He is a one-dimensional villain, Azula was a better villain to be honest.

I really hate this guy

13 Korrasami

I know that everyone will hate me for this... but I am a hardcore Makorra shipper and I was utterly horrified when Korrasami happened instead of my beloved Makorra. (Not a homophobe by the way)

I'm on season 2 of Korra, and I can't see this happening.

Forced agenda

14 Zuko has no major wins while on the good guy's side.

I only voted for this so I could comment. Hmm let's see... There is Azula an evil firebending prodigy who also just happens to be his sister who he fought. Yes, he did not win but this was because he had to save Katara when Azula shot lightning at her. While this reason isn't a battle he also warned the gaang of Ozai's plan to burn down the Earth Kingdom. Without that they would not have known and wouldn't be able to fight Ozai in time. There is also the fact that he taught Aang firebending which is good. He also helped save Suki and Hakoda (Sokka and Katara's Dad sorry if I misspelled the name or got it wrong) from the Boiling Rock. I would consider those major wins. They may not all be battles but they were all important. I am not a giant fan of Zuko. I'm simply pointing out facts. Sorry if you disagree with anything I said but this is my own opinion. Also to Zutara fans for the Zutara wasn't Canon thing, get over it. It didn't happen because there isn't really a way they would get ...more

15 Suki and Sokka didn't have kids

I don’t like a lot of romances and Sokka and Suki is an exception, but I still think that toph and Sokka should be together

16 Zuko lost the final fight against Azula
17 Korra Avatar Korra is the title lead character in Nickelodeon's animated television series The Legend of Korra, in which she is depicted as the current incarnation of the Avatar, responsible for maintaining peace and balance in the world.

All she seems to do is pretty much wreck things when & after she's done fixing things

18 Ikki and Meelo
19 Bumi and Kya
20 The “Mover” episodes
21 That Aang Didn't Die
22 Katara Katara is a fictional character in Nickelodeon's animated television series Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra, voiced by Mae Whitman.
23 Excessive kissing
24 Meelo
25 Did Not Show What Happened to Mai, Ty Lee, Suki, and Azula
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