Most Disturbing Things Found on the Deep Web

WARNING!!! Some of these are a bit disturbing, if you have a weak stomach do not read this list.

The Top Ten
1 Pornography

The porn on the deep web is considered to be a lot more extreme than that in the normal web

The Deep Web Also Has Lots Of Porn

2 Images of Animal Abuse

We see this in the normal web too.

3 Assassins for Hire

They say its not real they just use it as a bait to catch a killer

If someone hired a assassin in the deep web it costs 10000 dollars in the US/Canada but in Europe

4 Real Recordings of Dead Plane Crash Victims

Some recording of plane crashes may be unnerving to some people

There was actually a website regarding this on the normal web, or something

5 Cannibalistic Forums
6 Products Made Out of Human Flesh
7 Images of Human Experimentation
8 Photos of Corpses
9 How-Tos for Satanic Rituals and Demon Summoning

Satanic rituals are on the normal web too, you just have to do a deep search

10 Firearms for Sale
The Contenders
11 The Alt-Right
12 Guro
13 Depictions of Child Abuse
14 Child Pornography
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