Top Ten Djent Songs that Deserve to Be Part of an Anime Soundtrack

Saw the list Top Ten Melodic Death Metal Songs that Deserve to Be Part of an Anime Soundtrack, and decided to do the same. Now, I don't really watch much anime, but I have seen some decent AMVs, and a ton of crappy Linkin Park ones. Never any for djent songs, except on incredibly rare occasions.
The Top Ten
1 Regenerate - Monuments
2 Concealing Fate, Part Two: Deception - Tesseract
3 Alpha Seed - Erra
4 Letter Experiment - Periphery
5 Wormholes - Volumes
6 Shiver - Vildhjarta
7 The Unseen - The Afterimage
8 Zero-One - Northlane
9 Deluge - After the Burial
10 Mikasa - Veil of Maya
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