Top 10 Dragon Ball, Z, and GT Villains

The Top Ten
1 Frieza Final Form
2 Zarbon Zarbon is Frieza's right hand man and highest ranking Commander and General in an army of millions. He is always beside his master and emperor, Lord Frieza, following his orders and carrying out his dirty work alongside his comrade, Dodoria. Zarbon is responsible for advising Frieza on numerous matters, more.
3 King Piccolo King Piccolo is an anime fictional character from the anime series, Dragon Ball, created by Akira Toriyama.
4 Super Buu Super Buu is an anime fictional character from the anime series, Dragon Ball Z, created by Akira Toriyama.
5 Goku Black Goku Black (Or "Black") is a fictional character in the Dragon Ball Super series by Akira Toriyama. He is the first main antagonist in the Future Trunks Saga where he is revealed to be Zamasu from a prior timeline who stole the body of Goku, the series's protagonist and using it as a means to "gain" more.
6 Cell Cell is a fictional character in the Dragon Ball series by Akira Toriyama. He is the main antagonist of the Android Saga, being an android/artificial life form from the future, whose goal is to become "perfect" via absorbing Androids 17 and 18 and becoming the strongest fighter in the universe.
7 Zamasu Zamasu is a fictional character in the Dragon Ball series by Akira Toriyama, Although a Supreme Kai from Universe 10, he is the true main antagonist and the catalyst of the Future Trunks Saga in Dragon Ball Super, being responsible for Goku Black's existence, working alongside him to restore "justice" more.
8 Vegeta Vegeta is an anime fictional character from the anime series, Dragon Ball Z, created by Akira Toriyama.
9 Dodoria Dodoria is one of Frieza's top two right hand men and in an army of millions. He is always beside his master and emperor, Frieza, following his orders and carrying out his dirty work alongside his comrade, Zarbon. Dodoria is responsible for advising Frieza on numerous matters and remains loyal to Frieza more.
10 Cui
The Contenders
11 Dabura
12 Jeice Jeice is an anime fictional character from the anime series, Dragon Ball Z, created by Akira Toriyama.
13 Beerus Beerus is a fictional character in the Dragon Ball franchise created by Akira Toriyama. He made his first appearance in the 2013 feature film Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods.

Lord bills is probably one of the most powerful pople that have ever been on the show. he has masterd sevral skills including being able to turn people to dust and send them to oblivion, and most important thing is he's funny! he eats 247 AND HE ALWAYS IS EATING BOWL - O - RAMEN

14 Burter Burter is an anime fictional character from the anime series, Dragon Ball Z, created by Akira Toriyama.
15 Recoome Recoome is an anime fictional character from the anime series, Dragon Ball Z, created by Akira Toriyama.
16 Guldo Guldo is an anime fictional character from the anime series, Dragon Ball Z, created by Akira Toriyama.
17 Android 19
18 Pui Pui Pui Pui is an anime fictional character from the anime series, Dragon Ball Z, created by Akira Toriyama.
19 King Cold
20 Android 17 Android 17 is an anime fictional character from the anime series, Dragon Ball Z, created by Akira Toriyama.
21 General Blue General Blue is an antagonist in the Dragon Ball manga and the anime Dragon Ball, and also makes an appearance in Dragon Ball GT.
22 Staff Officer Black
23 Salza Salza is an anime fictional character from the anime series, Dragon Ball Z, created by Akira Toriyama.
24 Neiz
25 Dore
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