Top 10 Drinks that are Better with Whipped Cream

The Top Ten
1 Coffee

As far as I know Wiener Coffee is prepared with whipped cream

I like my coffee how I like my women...

2 Hot Chocolate
3 Cappuccino

Cappuccino is traditionally prepared with steamed milk foam and not whipped cream but I think it tastes better if you add some whipped cream

4 Irish Coffee

Despite its name, Irish Coffee isn't actually coffee - it's a cocktail with whiskey. And coffee.
The original recipe explicitly uses thick cream that has not been whipped

5 Frozen Lemonade
6 Manhattan Ice Cream Float
7 Dominicana
8 Grappatini
9 Milkshake

Never will I have one without it.

10 Rapu Nui
The Contenders
11 Fanta (Pineapple)
12 Mocha
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