Top 10 Dumb Family Feud Answers

The Top Ten
1 U-pine

Name something that begins with the word pork.

2 Nekkid Grandma

Name something a burglar doesn't want to see when he walks into a house.

I mean, he's not wrong. Who would want to see a naked grandma?

3 Alligator

That animal has 9 letters in it. That man is nuts for answering this

Name an animal with three letters in it?

4 He's blind

What might a blind date forget to mention about himself?

5 Pasta

Name something London is famous for.

6 Plans His Funeral

If the girl plans her wedding, what does the guy do?

7 Kentucky Fried Chicken
8 Because it's raining

Name a reason you might stay indoors on a beautiful day.

9 Orange

Name a yellow fruit

10 Chipmunk

Name a noisy bird

The Contenders
11 Cut his penis off

Name something a female cop would do to her husband in bed

12 America

"If your butt was the size of a planet, what planet would it be?"

13 Dinosaur

Name something kids would do before they show their parents a bad report card

14 A Horse

Name something you buy that might turn out to be phony

Fill in the blank. Pie in the what?

15 Turkey

What question was that?

16 Being Poor

Name something that's better than being rich

17 Jose
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