Top Ten Dumbest Things to Say to a Shy Person

The Top Ten
1 "Why are you shy?"

Mind your own business. Why do you care?

2 "Stop being shy."

"No, how about you shut up." Is what I'd like to say sometimes.

3 "Say hi!"

Argh! Please no! This is so true! As soon as certain people realise I'm the shy type, they immediately say "Say hi..." Or worse: "Give us a smile..." I feel awkward just reading this item.

Yeah, like that's gonna help. If I wanted to say hi, I would.

No,I will just silently stare at you especially to piss you off.

How about YOU say bye?

4 "Do you speak to your parents?"

Of course I do! I would probably be in therapy or somethin if I didn't.

5 "Oh boy,this guy talks too much."
6 "Now, you don't have a group, so go with the one you like the least."

Half the people in my class have some kind of problem


This is just rude

8 "You don't talk,do you?"
9 "How do you get dates?"
10 "Why not you just bloody talk?"
The Contenders
11 "What's the matter with you?"

Yeah, like that would work really well.

12 "Cat got your tongue?"
13 "Can you speak English?"
14 "What is going on in your head?"

"None of your business! "

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