Dumbest Things to Use As a Weapon During a Zombie Apocalypse

The Top Ten
1 Cheese
2 Waffle Iron
3 A Solo Cup
4 A Bag of Compost
5 An Empty Beer Bottle

Actually pretty good defense 1 hit only

6 A Kids Teddy Bear
7 A Butter Knife
8 A Banana

Although Monty Python's sketch about how to defend one's self against a banana is a great laugh.

9 A Plastic Childish Shovel
10 Your Head
The Contenders
11 Lamp

"I love lamp." - Brick Tamland

12 A Flame thrower that is out of gas

Whack the zombie over the head with it

13 Your Fists

A zombie could grab your arm and bite you.

14 A Bug
15 Stinky Socks
16 A Can of Beans
17 Sardines
18 A Mackerel
19 Some Macarons
20 A Stick
21 A Brain

It will make more zombies attack you

22 A feather
23 A Turd
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