Top Ten Dumbest Things You Believed As a Kid

Do you know what is the weirdest thing you believed as a child? Put it here!
The Top Ten
1 Eat a watermelon seed and a watermelon will grow in your stomach

Technically, if you were to eat a watermelon seed, it would dissolve because your stomach acid is to strong. Plus, if the could happen, the watermelon would still dissolve, and on top of that, it grows very slowly.

This applies to Asian kids. Other accounts said that it could also happen to your head.

What does that even mean?

2 You will keep getting taller as you get older

It's kinda true but when you get older at some points you start to get shorter...

3 The whole world was black and white

I asked my parents when god made us have color

4 People were inside the T.V.

Well I guess they are inside the T.V. because of power of the "Inside Edition"

Well now you never know

5 People who are at the top of Earth stay up while others at the bottom fall down.
6 Santa Claus

I can't believe I used to believe this Bologna

7 Dora the Explorer was a good show

Well, I just have to admit it. As a little kid, I loved Dora (No-o-o-o! ). Obviously, I find it very boring now!

8 When you played video games, if you played against the computer, it will realize you are good and therefore play better

Are you sure that's not true I swear the racers on MySimsRacing are improving as much as I am!?

I used to think "the computer" in videogames was actually real people playing against you.

Still as a teenager, I find it hard not to believe it!

9 There are ants inside of kiwi fruit

Well there are! At least in the one I've just eaten!

10 Dogs speak

I can talk to dogs REALLY.

The Contenders
11 Chocolate Milk Came from Brown Cows
12 Rock and Roll is the Devil's Music
13 You were not born but bought
14 God

Yeah until I actually learned the truth

15 Tooth Fairy
16 The Boogeyman
17 Unicorns
18 All of reality is a TV show
19 Water is an alien's weakness
20 The Easter Bunny is real
21 The Sandman
22 That creating a YouTube is easy cool and easy to do

Not until you're 13.

23 Cats have 9 lives
24 Black cats equal bad luck
25 The Supernatural
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