Top Ten Dumbest Tips On How to Stop Being Bullied

You know what sucks about being a victim of bullying? Being told ways to stop bullying that's more unhelpful than having a broken compass.
The Top Ten
1 Remember that the bullies are jealous of you

Bullies actually do target people who they are jealous of. Most of the time it's because they are afraid that the particular person might outdo them in certain aspect. This shows what big cowards bullies are actually.

How is that supposed to stop someone from bullying you?

2 Tell the bully to stop

Yeah like that's going to happen

3 Don't do anything that will make the bullies bully you.

So I gotta throw my head and my body away

4 When a bully approaches you it's a "good" idea to stand near a teacher or any adult
5 Feel pity for bullies

Sometimes, it's hard to feel pity on an ass, especially if they've done stupid and awful things to you. No matter what, I just can't help myself but NOT feel pity towards those who bullied me.

I couldn't help it, so I took pity on a bully once and got beaten up

6 After you tell someone what happened, make sure you keep it as a secret
7 Ignore them

If you ignore them, the bully would tell other bullies that he is a coward and more bullies will bully you

How the heck is this supposed to work? It's even worse than telling the bully to stop!

Do not ignore go to the gym get some muscles and show them whos the mouse now.

8 Analyze that the bully may have a mental disorder or a problem

Also if the bullies got a disability, then they're must be mentally ill for bullying others.

9 Make sure you stay away from the bully as much as possible.

Standing up for yourself is the best thing you can do. Talk with someone about it, like a parent or friend, but in the end, you should be able to tell the bully to stop because they're not always going to be there for you. Running away from a problem is like running away from a bullet; it's still going to kill you in the end.

Doing that means YOU are also a coward

10 Tell every adult about it and they will "work it out"

The best they would probably do is tell the guidance counselor. After about 15 minutes of a made-up sob story, the bully will then torment you about telling behind the teachers back.

I feel like this method would never work. And while I'm out of my situation, I kept it a secret. Didn't want to cause worry.

The Contenders
11 Become a bully yourself and they won't bully you

When I was in 1st grade I punched a kid that was bullying me. He ended up bleeding and had to go to the hospital. I ended up getting in trouble.

Are you serious -_-

12 Have more Swag
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