Top 10 Most Eccentric Habits of Famous People

The Top Ten
1 Mark Zuckerberg only eats what he kills himself

He boiled a lobster alive and cut the throat of a goat with a knife...

And then posts his lunch on Facebook, I presume.

2 Yoshiro Nakamatsu dives underwater to come up with great ideas and makes inventions "0.5 seconds before death"
3 Nicolas Cage only consumes animals that he judges as mating in a “dignified way”

He doesn't eat pork because he doesn't like the way pigs have sex (?!? ) He prefers fish, birds and reptiles because they mate in a "dignified way".

Well, he's certainly not a cannibal.

4 Nikola Tesla began work each day at 3:00 AM and continued until 11:00 PM

Nikola Tesla is known for his work in the field of electricity who also filed for more than 300 patents for inventions like electromagnets, the radio, and the AC motor.
His habits caused him to suffer a mental breakdown at age 25. He then pulled himself together and continued the same regimen well into old age, working as many as 38 years without a break in his rigorous work schedule.

5 Yoshiro Nakamatsu tiled his bathroom in 24-karat gold because “The gold blocks out radio waves and television signals that are harmful to the imagination.”

His goal is to live at least 144 years (he's 87).

6 Richard Nixon ate a daily lunch of cottage cheese covered in ketchup

After he was elected president, an article in the Washingtonian quipped that elegant White House dinners had been replaced by cottage cheese and ketchup. He even had cottage cheese with pineapple slices for lunch on the day that he announced his resignation from the presidency.

7 Steve Jobs cried incessantly when he was frustrated and didn’t get his way
8 Cleopatra required 700 lactating donkeys in order to supply the milk for her daily bathing regime

She was said to bathe in donkey milk to keep her skin soft and beautiful.

Wot, cleopatra great!

9 Edgar Allan Poe wrote his works on continuous strips of paper, attached with sealing wax, which set his editors on edge

Yeah, he sounds like the kind of guy who would do that, not for any reason, but just out of spite. Like paying for a candy bar with 100 pennies, just because you wanted to ruin a cashiers day.

10 Honore de Balzac had 50 cups of coffee each day
The Contenders
11 Charles Dickens ran his comb through his hair hundreds of times a day
12 Theodore Roosevelt went skinny-dipping in the cold waters of the Potomac River in Washington D.C. every winter
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