Embarrassing Moments in the Hallway at School

The Top Ten
1 Your earbuds unplug in your locker and an inappropriate song is on really loud

Only the teachers would care, most songs we listen to these days are inappropriate and student really wouldn't find this embarrassing unless a teacher is present

Something like this almost happened to me once, but the song was Spaceman by The Killers. Crisis averted.

2 Someone pushes you into someone else's locker and locks it

Meant big locker or small person,.

Small locker or small person.

Who does that anymore.

That's brutal

3 There is a wet floor sign and you don't see it so you slip and fall

Not in the halls but it happened in the gym once when I was in high school. They had just waxed the floor and I was unaware of it because they didn't even put a sign up. I slipped and fell as I stepped on the floor. I tried to get up many times and failed, so I had to scoot on my butt towards the gym's entrance.

But how is this even possible? Those things are so fluorescent yellow they always manage to creep into your field of vision somehow.

4 Someone is texting and they run into you and make you fall on something
5 You're getting a drink from the bubbler and it's broken so water squirts all over you

I always avoided the water fountains, though it was thanks to me being more concerned over how many first years put their mouths right on the spouts.

6 You're walking to the bathroom and for some reason you pull your pants down on the way there

That happened to someone in fourth grade.

7 You start walking to your next class when the bell didn't ring

How is this embarrassing? I do this all the time

8 Someone is taking selfies and you are in them and you look weird

Destroy their phone

9 Older kids yell at you for going the wrong way
10 The fire alarm goes off and you aren't by your classroom

Not embarrassing if you just evacuate like everybody else.

The Contenders
11 You run into your crush
12 Puke in the hallway

I saw my friend puke in the hallway in high school once and I also while at a special event at my sister's elementary school I saw a kid puke in the hallway

13 Someone runs into you while texting and walking and their phone falls out of their hands

I had this happen to me once, the person seemed mad at me, but was more their fault for not paying attention

14 Get into a fight and get beat up
15 You almost run into someone when you're going around a turn in a hallway

This happened to me on friday I was walking around a corner at the same time some girl was I came around the corner and she was right there, I jumped and said, whoa!, then I heard her start laughing hard after I said whoa!

I had this happen a few times, made me jump, when I was going around a turn in a hallway and someone else was going the other way at the same time, and almost crashed

16 You fart loud in the hallway by lots of students

Once I did this when we came in from a fire drill they were like gross, my name farted

17 Someone punches you and you fall down and takes your pants
18 The annoying boy who likes you shoves into you
19 You go the wrong way
20 You trip over your own feet

I can relate to this unfortunately

21 When you have a locker next to your crush

Yes, this has happened to me

22 Wearing babyish clothes and older kids make fun of you
23 Getting caught picking your nose
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