Top 10 Embarrassing Moments at a Music Festival

I’m going to one and if you are, here’s some advice: don’t do these things!
The Top Ten
1 Having food on your face and seeing your favorite singer
2 Getting your hair stuck in the cotton candy machine
3 Falling off of the Ferris wheel

Holy cow, if this happened to me I'd be fearing for my life more than embarrassed.

4 Going on stage and the performer’s security kicks you out
5 Going to the wrong concert and yelling about the concert you were supposed to go to
6 Your mom calling you an embarrassing nickname

Oh no that would happen with my grandma she isn't going to summer fest to see halsey preform with me though so at least that won't happen

7 Falling into a puddle in front of your favorite singer
8 Being the only one screaming on a ride
9 Calling your favorite singer mom
10 Dropping your phone off of the chair lift

Ahh I don't even have a phone though good news for me nothing to drop its not like I'd bring my laptop my Ipad or my nintendo 3ds or nintendo switch

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