Top Ten Most Embarrassing Moments at Recess

The Top Ten
1 Having no one to play with

I have a similar issue with a girl I really want to be friends with at my school.

This was me on my years in elementary, exept 1st,2nd,3rd, and half of 4th and 5th

Me in elementary

2 Falling down the slide

Hooray for friction burns!

3 Falling off of the swing

My school sadly never had swings, though there was a zip line I fell off of a couple of times and got some nasty scrapes (curse you, astroturf! )

In the 6th grade a girl fell from the swings, hurt her leg pretty bad

4 Failing a trick on the bars
5 The class bully picks on you
6 You get caught going to recess instead of class
7 You have to go to the office when you are playing with the person you always wanted to be friends with
8 Your swing flips upside down
9 Being "it" in tag and never tagging anyone the whole recess

It always happened to me in third grade.

10 The teacher catches you talking about how much you hate school
The Contenders
11 Someone pulls down your pants
12 You poop your pants
13 You pee yourself in front of the entire school
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