Most Embarrassing Things that Can Happen to You in Front of Your Friends

The Top Ten
1 Get Caught Masturbating

What, why would you be doing that when your friends are nearby!?

Actually if they were real bros they would understand

Here's a hint lock the dang door.

What is masturbating?

2 Sing Justin Bieber

Why would you do that in the first place? I would be caught singing Trouble by Halsey really bad...I mean just like the real thing.

3 Pee Your Pants

I had this one time!

4 Watch Porn

This is something that is best done behind close doors.

5 Shower

We shower together after swimming during gym class in high school

6 Watch Teen Titans Go
7 Insult Them

Nah that's a part of friendship

8 Trip Over Nothing
9 Die

Hey, look on the bright side. I you're dead, you don't have to worry about being embarrassed!

Embarrassment would surely be the least of your worries if this happened

10 Getting Yelled at by the Teacher in Front of the Whole Class

I cried as a result.

The Contenders
11 Being the Only Person Without the Latest Popular Item
12 Mom Embarrasses You

My mom will do whatever it takes to embarrass me in front of my friends, whether it's singing, dancing, or tickling me

13 Getting Roasted by the Teacher
14 Getting Assaulted by the Teacher
15 Poop Your Pants
16 Screaming
17 Lunch Shaming
18 Fart
19 Being Naked
20 Getting Caught Watching Porn

Okay how many times is this on this list?

21 Vomit

I puked ON my friend.

22 You Get a Random Erection
23 Crying
24 Falling Asleep
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