Top 10 Most Enigmatic People and Groups in History

To give a definition of enigmatic, enigmatic is defined as a mysterious person or as someone who was heard from only once and then never found again
The Top Ten
1 Green children of Woolpit
2 D.B. Cooper
3 Jack The Ripper "Jack the Ripper" was the alias of an unknown serial killer in Whitechapel, London who brutally murdered 5 women (mainly prostitutes) between August and November of 1888. To this day, he has remained a mysterious and popular phenomena among serial killers and popular media.
4 The Man in the Iron Mask
5 Tank Man
6 Babushka Lady
7 Kaspar Hauser
8 Gil Perez
9 Adam Rainer
10 Arnold Paole
The Contenders
11 Banksy
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