Top Ten Most Evil Characters In Mahabharata

The Top Ten
1 Draupadi

But the made the evil go away and this is why we r free from evil this was a good chance to get rid of the evil and they used it correctly and the evil was over

She was the reason for the war. She, in her pride rejected the hero of the epic - Karna.
It's nowadays common to portray duryodhan as evil but the reality is that she's the main antagonist along with her five husbands.
- Jashan Arora

2 Arjuna

Bad person and wicked. Arjuna is not greater than karna . Karna is powerful and greatest than Arjuna

3 Drupad

He is the real evil.

4 Shakuni

He started the war

5 Bheem
6 Dronacharya
7 Dhritrasthra
8 Ghatotkacha
9 Dussashan
10 Kunti
The Contenders
11 Duryodhana
12 Krishna
13 Nakula
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