Most Evil Poptropica Villains

The Top Ten
1 Mordred/Binary Bard (Astro Knights Island)

It took me a full week just to beat the end boss battle

This guy is really evil

2 Zeus (Mythology Island)

Seriously, Zeus should be number one. I mean, he destroyed nearly all the islands!

3 Black Widow (Counterfeit Island)

Despite how bad she is, I have to admit the plot is great. Who would've suspected a background cop to be the main villain?!

4 Captain Crawfish (Skullduggery Island)
5 Director D (Spy Island)

HE WAS A TRAITOR! I BE LIKE - and that letter-don't trust director D. I be like WHA!

6 The Shogun (Red Dragon Island)
7 El Mustachio Grande (Wild West Island)
8 Gretchen Grimlock (Cryptids Island)
9 Dr Hare (24 Carrot Island)

Most of these villains aren't really that extreme... Where as Dr.Hare has plans to take over the world. I think Dr.Hare is by far the most evil.

10 Mademoiselle Moreau (Mystery Train Island)
The Contenders
11 Ringmaster Raven (Monster Carnival)
12 The Mega Fighting Robots Corporation (Mocktropica Island)

They were so evil they threated to destroy the whole game with there adds and stuff.

13 Medusa (Mythology Island)
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