Top 10 Evil Things Schools Do

I'm making a list of things that turns school into a heartless monster. This is like a building of misery. It treats you like your slave robot. SO I'm making a list of things that this cruel place has done to all of us!
The Top Ten
1 Give Homework

I have no issues with a little bit of homework but a lot of schools sadly just go overboard. I've had countless nights where I've been up until two in the morning doing homework and even in college, one class gives me so much that I don't get time to revise for tests in my other classes. It's insanity!

Don't do homework. The more you obey the school the more power they have over you. They want to milk you like a cow, just don't give them it then eventually they will give up.

How are we meant to stay social, study for exams, talk to family and get exercise when we're loaded with homework? This is common sense.

2 Give Tests

There needs to be some metric to prove you actually know the material, right?

This is stupid, they have to! Its obvious they have to! Its not to bad anyways!

Even if you do your homework and study hard, if you screw the test up you fail.

3 Not Do Anything About Bullies

Yes. I was bullied one day at school. It hurt. They would not allow me to play some of the game. Then I went there and they told me to get the hell back. And I got upset. So they came to beat me. Then I beat them. They tried to throw me aside then I beat them. We were fighting then I slapped someone, I was punished in front of my class. I was angry and upset. He even made me stand there and all the younger classes saw me. Great humiliation. But when they beat me they never stop them. I Damm hate school so much school sucks. Cause the minister of education never brings this up. Stupid school. Gets in the way of everything

4 Not Allow Fun Devices

It's like school despises fun. I'm sick of it!
yeah there should be rules for the devices, sure but don't just ban them fully! its not like it will destract students than much

I believe that there should be an e-learning system where students use their ipad to learn instead of books. This is done in my school.

That would be a distraction during class.

5 Provide Slow Computers

Yup. Most of my school computers have 2GB RAM, which isn't very good for 2017's standards. We're using outdated computers that were manufactured in the late 2000's. However, the music tech computers have 8GB RAM (for Cubase), so they run more nicely. However, as I've mentioned before, I've seen one computer with just 1GB; it's horrible.

Back when I was at primary school, the computers were even slower and older, lol.

When I first started school, the computers took like ten minutes just to load the Google home page - shocking even for 2003!

6 Only Allow You to Drink Water

That's why I sneak soda or juice into a nontransparent metal water bottle. You don't know what I'm drinking, it could be water, soda, juice or alcohol, and my teachers would never know.

Well, it is healthy, but the fact that it's everywhere is annoying. At least give out 1% milk, too!

But I wanted to drink a tea...also there are people who need electrolytes sometimes

7 Block Out the Sun

Yes! They block out a beautiful day and make the whole day miserable and dark and depressing. YOU!

Why does God allow schools with no outside and disgusting cafeterias ?

Kids need sun. Not a dark gloomy room.

8 Have a Disgusting Cafeteria

I know right? My school has some big red chairs, you know kind of like the elementary school ones, and some of the chairs have some white stuff on them. I don't know if its paint or something, or cleaning material, but it is disgusting. Some kids won't even bother to clean up their trash!

This isn't always the school's fault - even if the cleaners work pretty hard, sometimes there's just too many dirty pigs who leave a mess in there. They ought to replace the dolls' house tables though.

The foods cafeterias give us are cheep and disgusting.

9 Not Allow Animals

This is understandable. Some kids are allergic to certain animals, and they would've a distraction.

What, you want to have dogs and cats running around the place. Erm, no thanks. I'd tolerate cats cause they're awesome but mine always sits on my work

Even though I love animals, they would be a major distraction and some kids might be allergic.

10 Give MCAs

Good morning <insert name of your school here> this is your principal speaking. First we'll do the pledge of allegiance and it is required every day. Then we talk about a bunch of clubs that you're not interested in. Have a good day!

The Contenders
11 Hire Mean Teacher

My high school special ed teacher is eviler than mean. She is racist to Asians (I'm the only Asian in the class and I end up in trouble for no reason the most) and overreacts on everything.

I'm surprised that the school still hasn't fired her...

I can't count the amount of times I've been bullied by a teacher. My first mean teacher was in 5th grade, then I had a mean body shaming gym teacher in 7th grade, and I have a mean 10th grade teacher who doesn't allow crying or shyness in his class.

Not to mention "can't teach". It would be a splendid idea to have a hidden camera in the class so people would know how mean teacher can get.

12 Make You Do Hard Work

Having a good natural ability is a better option over hard work.

13 Make You Carry Heavy Books

I got a slight posture issue because of this. My mom says it's because of my computer usage, but it's really because of all the heavy books I had to carry in school. I had to carry 4-5 textbooks home EVERY SINGLE DAY (including weekends) in middle school and also high school. Also my mom wouldn't buy me those rolling backpacks and some schools ban them!

It's like my school wants me to have shoulder/back problems. I'm in 10th grade, am 5 feet tall and 90 pounds (I have a fast metabolism), so it really doesn't make sense for me to be carrying a backpack that feels like I'm carrying around bricks all day. I pack as lightly as I can (3 subject notebook, binder, HW folder, computer, and pencils/pens), and yet my backpack is still heavy. My school doesn't even have lockers. :'(

14 Give Detention

You forget a bit of work. Then, you get tortured for an hour. Then, you have to go home alone, nobody else you know. As well as that, 2 days out of 5, I have swimming or tuition, and I miss it. Teachers have no penalty for not doing work.

I was a 3 time detention prisoner back in 8th grade and the thing I learned from it is that lunch detentions aren't that bad, plus I got to draw for all 40 minutes of my 2nd lunch detention.

I cried throughout the yelling in detention class!

15 Lock Up Special Ed Kids

Some schools have these things called "scream rooms" for special ed kids. When a kid gets out of control and starts screaming the teachers put the kid in there for hours. The kids usually were so traumatized that they ended up peeing and pooping themselves and even vomiting everywhere.

In conclusion: schools are prisons, teachers are guards, kids are criminals, and these rooms are solitary confinement cells.

16 Block Fun Websites

Why do schools block some websites? "Because to help the student learn and to protect them from the dangers of the internet" Oh, bull. Have you ever seen a boob on PSXDEV? (homebrew website for the original PlayStation) No! No private parts! just stuff to run on a PS1!

Or worse, they block websites made for students/schools to use. GoGuardian can rot in hell.

The school board also age restricts everything and it's annoying, like were not babies and toddlers

17 Yell at Students
18 Force You to Learn a Language You Don't Like

Chances are that if you learn german, you still need to look up google translate whenever you see something german. No, I'm not joking. This probably has happened to adults.

19 Stress Out Kids
20 Ban Music
21 Get You in Trouble Instead of the Bullies

This happened in 4th grade. I got in trouble because some kid falsely accused me of scratching him (for the record, I didn't) and nobody listened to me when I told them my side of the story. They thought I was the one lying when I was clearly having a panic attack over being accused of something I never did.

OMG once in third grade some idiot pushed over a little girl and laughed at her, I got blamed for the entire thing even though I was on the other side of the playground. I didn't know anything about this until we got inside. Mrs.Bell is the worst teacher in the history of ever.

22 Make Grades Easy to Loose and Hard to Get
23 Don't Give Freedom
24 Don’t Allow You to Use the Bathroom
25 Ban Hats

There's an assistant principal who confiscated my hat a few months ago. Nobody else cared about the hat. Curse you school!

Once I had a bad hair day and my teacher said I HAD to take off my hat.

It's so stupid that they ban hats. There's really NO good reason why that do that

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