Top 10 Excuses for Missing the School Bus

These excuses might be effective or not depending on how you word them... for missing the school bus.
The Top Ten
1 I was too busy pretending to care to notice the bus had left

Probably the best one.

2 Because I felt like it what else?

The most sarcastic one (in my opinion).

3 I was told Shrek would kill me if I did

He would shove onions down my throat!

4 I was too slow to make onto the bus in time

Sonic was faster I swear!

5 I tried to get up but the thought of leaving the sheets overwhelmed me so I slept and when I woke up the bus was gone

This one explains it's self lol.

6 I felt too numb to get out of bed

It's scary to think I actually felt this at one point. I wasn't physically numb, just mentally.

So numb, that I couldn't feel my legs there!

7 The "Chocolate guy" from SpongeBob said he would give me chocolate if I didn't go on the bus
8 Keemstar scared the bus off!

He said "Let's get right into the news! " then the bus ran off I swear I'm not lying! (Sarcasm)

9 I overslept

You will get in trouble

10 The bus saw me then disappeared

It just vanished I tell you!

The Contenders
11 I had more important things to do today than go to school

Story of my life right there.

12 Jason Voorhees tipped the bus over and killed everyone. I ran inside to avoid being murdered!
13 The cat scared the bus off!
14 Sonic the Hedgehog was driving the bus
15 The bus driver was drunk
16 I’m too cool for school
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