Best Dumbbell Exercises
Dumbbell exercises provide an easy and effective way of targeting every major muscle groups in your body. It also helps to build strength in your 'weaker' arm- something a barbell fails to do. Credits to dumbbell-exercises (dot) com for the definitions.The Top Ten
1 Dumbbell Bench Press
2 Lying Fly
3 Lateral Raise
4 Shoulder Press
5 Alternated Biceps Curl
6 Kneeling One Arm Row
7 Triceps Kickback
8 Seated Shoulder Press
9 Palms-Up Wrist Curl
Makes the forearms hard and strong in no time!
10 Goblet Squat
The Contenders
11 Stiff Legged Dead Lift
The best strength-building barbell exercise may not be as effective with dumbbells, but it's great nonetheless.
12 Two Arms Triceps Extension
13 Upright Row
14 Hammer Curl
15 One-at-a-time Biceps Curl
16 Biceps Curl (both arms together)
17 Statutory Lunge
(simply known as lunge) very effective for building a firm rear end
18 Toe Raise
19 One Arm Triceps Extension
20 Dead Lift
The traditional big daddy of strength exercises
21 Squat
One of the most exhausting but useful exercises. Legs + Back = Strength
22 Bent Over Row
Another very effective exercise for the back
23 Wide Row
24 Reverse Lunge
25 Palms-Down Wrist Curl
Effective, but I always end up straining my fingers :(
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