Best ExplodingTNT Videos

I've worked with TNT on videos a number of times! Here are my personal favorites
The Top Ten
1 If You Couldn't Respawn
2 Why Cows Moo
3 If Justin Bieber Went to Jail
4 Herobrine vs Freddy Fazbear
5 If Explodingtnt Couldnt Make a Christmas Video
6 If Minecraft Was Weird
7 If Five Nights at Freddy's Met Minecraft
8 If Emeralds Were Removed
9 If Water and Lava Switched Places
10 If Diamonds and TNT Switched Places
The Contenders
11 If Herobrine Took a Shower
12 If IMPOSSIBLE MODE Was Added to Minecraft
13 If John Cena Played Minecraft
14 If a New Weapon Was Added To Minecraft
15 If the Dragon Egg Hatched

This one featured the glorious purple shep

My favourite explodingtnt video

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